(747) AME-CAMP (263-2267)
a New Jersey Christian Youth Chamber Music Program
(747) AME-CAMP (263-2267)
AME RAISES $5,244!
July 2024
This year, as we celebrate our 20th year anniversary with a theme of the "Celebrating Heart", the proceeds went towards The OpenDoor, a wonderful organization that empower immigrants to readch their full God given potential to successfully integrate, participate and contribute to the well being of our society.
July 2023
This year, with a "Peaceful Heart", 100% of the proceeds from AME's Benefit Concert on July 7th will go to support Inheritance of Hope's (IoH), an organization that supports young families facing the loss of a parent due to terminal illness. Through their Legacy Retreat, IoH will serve 10 families in destination experiences where these families will create lifelong memories and receive the tools to navigate the challenges of terminal illness.
AME RAISES $13,387!
July 2022
This year, with a "Devoted Heart", the proceeds went towards Paterson Music Project, a wonderful organization that provides tuition-free afterschool music programming for students in Paterson founded by Helen Cha-Pyo, Artistic Director of the Wharton Institute for the Performing Arts.
AME RAISES $9,013!
July 2021
This year, with a "Resilient Heart", the proceeds went towards Family Touch, a wonderful organization that provides counseling and education to build socially and emotionally strong families/ communities.
AME RAISES $13,521!
July 2019
This year, with a "Courageous Heart", the proceeds went towards Glori and her family, a 9 year old child who was critically injured in a life-threatening car accident, with limited means to afford her medical care.
AME RAISES $13,521!
July 2019
This year, with a "Courageous Heart", the proceeds went towards Glori and her family, a 9 year old child who was critically injured in a life-threatening car accident, with limited means to afford her medical care.
AME RAISES $20,489!
July 2020
This year, with a "Compassionate Heart", the proceeds went towards Ellie, a 9 year old child who was battling cancer. Early on the morning of February 10, 2021, Ellie went home to be with Jesus in heaven.We love you and miss you Ellie!
AME RAISES $11,158.75!
July 2015
With a "Humble Heart" AME supported The Relief Bus. The Relief Bus outreach consists of two former school buses now
customized into mobile resource centers to help the
poor and homeless.
Click on their picture to jump to their website!
AME RAISES $14,264!
July 2012
With an "Honoring Heart", AME raised money for college funds for a young boy and a girl (2nd & 4th grade) whose father recently passed away from cancer.
We prayerfully set a goal to raise $10,000, and because of your generosity we actually raised $14,264! Praise God!
AME RAISES $7,003.35!
July 2011
With the very first Benefit Concert, the AME youth with a "Sacrificial Heart" raised money that provided one year of violin lessons to an 11-year-old girl whose father had recently passed away and whose mother is disabled. AME also contributed funds to a full-time North Korean missionary couple in NJ through PSALT Organization.
We prayerfully set a goal to raise at least $7,000 and through your generosity, God answered our prayers and we raised $7,003.35!
AME RAISES $20,006!
July 2013
With a "Serving Heart", AME supported ‘The Relief Bus’ as well as ‘Operation Warm/Running the
World for Children’. Operation Warm is a non-profit that collects donated coats for underprivileged children.
We prayerfully set a goal, and challenged our faith to raise at least $20,000, and because of your generosity, we were able to raise $20,006!